Virginia Men's Gymnastics

- It’s been a banner year for Virginia Gymnastics! 381 athletes will compete at the state championships next weekend.
- Once I have the team rosters finalized, I will send them out. Check them carefully as there will be NO changes the day of the meet. We have a packed schedule and will need the help of all coaches, judges, athletes, and parents to keep it running smoothly.
- First of all - everyone on the competition floor (except volunteers) will need to have their credentials up to date. Click here to check the list and make sure you are on it and that your information is current. Contact me ASAP if there are errors.
- All parents must remain in the spectator area or their child will be eliminated and your team disqualified.
- All coaches must wear the appropriate attire. USAG Men’s Rules and Policies states:
"The following attire is recommended at all competitions and is required at all sessions of State and Regional Championships,
the Junior Olympic National Championships and all U.S. Championship events (Winter Cup, U.S. Qualifier & U.S.
Championships). Those coaches who are in violation of the policy will be required to comply or may be asked to leave the
competition floor."
1. Closed toe shoes, no sandals
2. Slacks, Warm-up pants or hemmed shorts (No Denim or “cargo style”)
3. Collared shirts - Polo type shirts, not t-shirts, even though t-shirts technically have a collar (we have discussed this before)
4. No hats
- The judges have control of the meet. There will be NO protests. The only thing that can be questioned is if the child received a bonus (compulsory). If there is an inquiry, you will need to fill out an inquiry form and submit it to the head judge or meet director before the next rotation (optionals only).
- Senior awards - we only have three seniors this year. We will have the senior recognition just before the competition Sat. evening (during the “march in” ceremony). I would like to have all the coaches on the competition floor to welcome the athletes.
- State Coaches Meeting - There will be a mandatory coaches meeting on Saturday, March 16th following the Optional state competition (approximately 10:00 p.m. -12:00 a.m.) at Smokey Bones, 4590 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, Va 23462. For full details, click here. Please plan on attending or have one of your coaches present. I will be distributing regional shirts at this time and going over immediate events as well as next competitive season events. Food will be provided (wear your wristband credentials). If you, or a coach from your gym, are not able to make it, tell Doug (it better be a good excuse). The meet doesn’t start on Sunday until 9:00 am, and you are all younger than I am (with the exception of Mike Wirth - he’s older than dirt).
- There will be a Virginia State Team at compulsory regional championships this year. Just like last year, we will have the top 7 athletes from level 5 (age 7-10) and level 6 age (7-10). Full details are here. If you have questions, call me.
- Regional Championship entry forms are in the Forms section below. Have them filled out for all of your athletes. We can cross them off as needed. Please note that there are 4 tabs to the form: one for COMPULSORY, one for OPTIONALS one for JE and a Summary tab. A CHECK FROM YOUR GYM OR BOOSTERS MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR ENTRY FOR REGIONALS! Please have one of your parents fill these out and email them to me. It will definitely help the Regional Director. For directions on registering for the Regional Championships, click here.
- Preliminary regional championship information is on the Regional Championships tab.
Regional Championship Info
The program contains 1400 skill displays with sequence illustrations, over 550 questions and answers covering the Code of Points, and more than 300 videos of skills that can be played in real time or slow motion.
For coaches, suppose you want to find the best 'C' value dismount for one of your gymnasts on Rings. Click the 'Rings' tab. Under 'Select Values' click C's. Under 'Select Element Group' click '5' (dismounts). Click 'Go to Skill Study'. Review the skills by clicking 'Next' until you have found the best choice based on your athlete's preparation.
The program also lets you video your gymnast on a skill then play a side by side comparison of that skill next to a world class athlete doing the same skill.
- New: By August of 2013, all coaches at sanctioned events must have a minimum certification level of Instructor certified in the School of Competitive Gymnastics; USA Gymnastics University. (i.e. Instructor, Junior Olympic Development, Junior Olympic Team or National is acceptable). This can be done by taking online the U100 Fundamentals of Gymnastics Instruction (Free to members). Click here for more information.
- Are you familiar with Circle Calc? It is a gymnastics software program developed by John Scanlan to build your optional routines. It will maintain, organize, and print your pre-comp forms with accurate and up-to-date start values. For more, go to (Note: It sometimes takes a minute to load because the home page has an embedded video of a routine build.)
Virginia Men's Gymnastics
State Championship Entry Form
- Check out the Men's Gymnastics Study Guide by Doug Hills. Doug has been an FIG Judge since 1980, and has worked tirelessly to improve the judging and teaching of gymnastics through his innovative software projects. His latest version of the Men's Gymnastics Study Guide will keep you entertained and improve your knowledge of the sport from all aspects.
- For meet scoring and online results posting, try:
Regional Championship Entry Form